Take Control of Laminitis in Your Horse

…but developed laminitis from a cause other than insulin resistance, you can still use the insulin-resistance diet guidelines below or implement the tips in our “Lean Cuisine” article. (See the…

Deworm By Necessity

resistanceResistance is a serious problem, and it is getting worse. Large strongyles used to be the focus of our anthelmintic drugs, but the dewormers have been effective and now…

Deworming Protocols Are In Jeopardy

…antibiotic use in newborn foals “just in case,” encourages drug resistance. Although we’ve been lucky until now in that resistance to ivermectin was not a problem, this appears to be…

Dewormer Drug-Resistance Panic

…that these rapid (switching with each treatment) rotational strategies decrease resistance. Many experts believe that rotation may even increase the risk of resistance by exposing parasites to a wide variety…

Focus Your Deworming Efforts

Resistance to dewormers is extensive and officially includes almost all deworming drugs except ivermectin and moxidectin. However, with isolated reports of possible ivermectin resistance beginning to appear in horses, as…

Ivermectin Is Resistance-Free

…again as quickly as four weeks after deworming with ivermectin. The study hinted at resistance, although egg counts for the first few weeks after treatment were negative. We questioned whether…

Living With Cushing’s Disease

…to follow the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” rule of management. What About Insulin Resistance? Once called “pre-Cushing’s syndrome,” insulin resistance is now believed to be a completely…