About Us

…Equine Network, American Quarter Horse Association, United States Equestrian Federation and the Kentucky Horse Park, with content contributions from several other horse industry organizations and associations. DiscoverHorses.com appeals to the…

Charitable Equine Organizations

Want to donate your time and/or money to a worthy equine organization? Here is a list of associations that will put your funding to good use. AAEPFoundation – The mission…

Get Going Showing

…get into the show ring. In fact, there are more entry-level opportunities now than ever. Breed and sport associations are beginning to think creatively to help first-time exhibitors and returnees…

Married with Horses: Rash Decisions

…when I did it. It’s confusing, really. Mad dogs bear their teeth and growl before they bite. If you’re bitten by a dog, you can then make the appropriate associations

Icelandic Horse Breed

…of the Icelandic Horse breed, treasured in its homeland and, increasingly, around the world. Photo by Andrea Barber The International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations (known by the acronym FEIF,…

The Slaughter Debate: A Two-Sided Issue

…used as animal food].” The two largest U.S. veterinary associations–the 8,000 member American Association of Equine Practitioners based in Lexington, Kentucky, and the 75,000-member American Veterinary Medical Association based in…

Equine Education

…also team up with 4-H programs, breed associations, veterinarians and local stables to offer seminars, workshops, and classes during the winter months. Specialty topics like horse and tack theft prevention,…

The Icelandic Horse

…from 900 A.D. that forbids livestock to be imported into Iceland also protects the purity of one of the oldest of equine breeds. The International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations