Spice Up Your Pain Relief

…as warmth, cold, pressure or friction and what causes it to trigger pain. Since the nerve endings for pain usually contain a mixture of hot and cold receptors, as well…

Gut Health In Horses

causes. • Poor appetite, not finishing meals • Bruxism (tooth grinding) • Weight loss • Poor hair coat/hoof quality • Decreased performance and change in stride length • ”Girthiness” •…

Get Ringbone Pain Under Control

…Ringbone” table (see above, right) lists the various types of ringbone and possible causes. Horses with club feet or upright pasterns are less efficient in distributing forces on impact and this…

Explaining Equine Canker

…destroys, tissue, while canker causes mounding overgrowths.) We don’t know for sure what causes canker, but we have some evidence it could be a papillomavirus. Other studies have consistently isolated…

Trail Bridles and Bits

…point) hangs straight down, keeping the bosal balanced. Rein pressure causes the heel knot to move back toward the rider, putting pressure on your horse’s nose and face. The weight…

Is Alfalfa a Wise Choice?

…content of alfalfa causes an imbalanced calcium/phosphorus ratio if not corrected by other feeds or supplements. Most adult horses seem to tolerate this, but it’s not ideal for pregnant mares…

How to Curb A Cribbing Horse

…Veterinary Surgeons in the United Kingdom. Here’s a rundown of possible causes. Breed. A primary factor in determining whether a horse will crib is the breed. Thoroughbreds are the No….

Health Issues for Older Horses

…PPID to swell and even drip milk. Overproduction of ACTH causes elevated levels of cortisol, which causes problems with muscle loss, insulin resistance, laminitis, increased drinking and urination, increased risk…

Video: Causes of Colic

Colic is a serious threat and the number one killer of horses. Learn to examine the risk factors and warning signs for your horse’s health. Courtesy AQHA and www.americashorsetv….