The Year-Round War on Parasites

Protecting your horse from intestinal parasites involves more than timed dewormings or a daily dose of dewormer. Maintaining a healthy immune system, understanding high-risk situations, and correct choice of deworming

Dewormers Are Safe, But Not Foolproof

…against stressing the horse immediately before or after deworming. Laminitis was always a concern. The first larvicidal deworming treatment — tubing your horse with 10 times the regular dose of…

Deworming And Cushing`s Disease

Horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, more commonly known as PPID or Cushing’s disease, are more likely to have higher fecal egg counts than healthy horses, according to a recent…

Ask Horse Journal: 04/09

Deworming Without Fecal Egg Counts There were deworming recommendations in December 2008 that I’d love some clarification on. I know I need a new deworming strategy, but my veterinarian doesn’t…

Deworm By Necessity

…that deworming by need (called target deworming) and using ivermectin as the cornerstone of your program is your best bet. The problem with rotational deworming is that too many of…

High-Dose Fenbendazole: Worth The Cost

…to eliminate encysted small-strongyle larvae, which the deworming mainstay ivermectin can’t do, and was incorporated into most deworming programs. Now fenbendazole wants to jump in at a double-dose level. Ivermectin,…