Horse-Related Zoning Battles

…casualty of other proposals, such as when a developer petitions to re-zone certain property, formerly used as riding trails, to allow construction of new subdivisions, shopping centers, or facilities. Variances…

How to Select a Boarding Stable

…gather more information. Ask questions depending on your personal needs–what services do they offer, what riding facilities do they have, etc. Use the information gathered in your fact-finding calls to…

Horse Boarding Options

…storing with?other horse owners using the same, or even nearby, facilities. If one of you has a heavy duty truck, or perhaps a trailer, you can pool funds and buy…

Give Your Input on Unwanted Horses

…and local law enforcement, horse owners, rescue/retirement facilities and other facilities using horses. The first step is an online survey–and everyone with an interest in the welfare of horses is…

The Slaughter Debate: A Two-Sided Issue

…retirement facilities are often suggested as a partial solution to the question of “surplus” or unwanted horses. Bonnie Beaver estimates that U.S.rescue and retirement facilities currently have a capacity for…

Horse Camping

…Mississippi, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) also offers horse-camping facilities, many of which are free. Facilities range from those with a few corrals, pens, tie racks, pit toilets and…