Learn the Turn on the Forehand

…you will find that once you’ve mastered the technique for turn on the forehand, the “doors” of dressage will begin to open up to you. The turn on the forehand

Ask Horse Journal; August Letters

…might sample them once, but our horses, not known to be discriminating, consistently avoid them. Dominant Hand A friend told me the other day that my right hand is dominant…

Own the Perfect Patient

…is all it should take to help calm him down. The head-down response also will come in handy when you have to bridle your horse, or handle his head for…

Show with Halter

hand coming, it’s easier. Take hold of the chainwith your right hand underneath the horse’s chin ? where he can already feel your right hand ? and slide your left…

Ray Texel: Stride Control

…which means the pressure of your hand on the reins equals the pressure of your horse’s mouth on the bit, so your hand is taken along by his bobbing head….