Horse & Rider Magazine 2009 Articles Index

…“Farrier Call: Foul Feet!,” (thrush), YHYL, July, pg. 24 Lameness “Lameness Report Card,” (grading lameness), YHYL, Mar., pg. 24 “Vet Call: Sudden Lameness,” YHYL, Apr., pg. 20 “Keep Him Sound,”…

On the Trail Lameness

You’re out on the trail and your horse suddenly starts limping. What do you do? 1. Slow to a walk. 2. Find a place where it’s safe to dismount and…

Navicular Or Heel Pain’

Navicular disease is one of the most frequently diagnosed, but misunderstood and difficult-to-treat lameness problems. Much of the confusion stems from other conditions being called navicular disease and from a…

Is The Lameness In His Hock Or Stifle’

Differentiating between hock and stifle lameness is difficult. Flexion tests won’t do it, and local nerve blocks often give equivocal results. Palpation of the joints helps but may be hampered…

Coping with Arthritis in Horses

…swelling in a horse’s joints, followed by a full lameness exam, including flexion tests. Nuclear0 scintigraphy can detect subtle early changes that indicate injury within the bones; X rays will…

OsPhos Now Available

…the lameness, but ultimately should only be repeated as needed when signs of lameness recur. In other words, some horses may only need it once, while others many need it…

Daily Joint Care

…Victoria Maxwell as she does a lameness exam on a young horse in training. Adequan photo. Preventing lameness is the best policy for performance horses. Although that may not always…

Reduce the Risk of Lyme Disease

…signs including irritability, mild lameness, stiffness, low-grade fever and reluctance to work. The good news is that few horses develop Lyme disease. Even those who live where the incidence of…