Longeing, Head to Tail

…same equipment. They can double as turrets for securing lines when driving from the ground or for longeing with double lines. Fitting Longeing cavessons should fit exactly the same as…

Longeing Do’s and Don’ts

…just turned into a disaster–one that could’ve been avoided. Follow these seven do’s and don’ts to make sure you and your horse stay safe during future longeing sessions. Do: Maintain…

Longeing Solution

One of the most frustrating problems a handler can face while longeing is with a horse that drifts into the circle and won?t fill out the longe line. The handler…

Longeing and the Seat: A Dressage Primer

…his rhythm, energy and tempo. Longeing without stirrups builds the right muscles and helps the rider develop automatic reactions in his body. Many riders incorrectly round their shoulders and look…

How Much Longeing Is Enough

In general, you can keep longeing–changing direction at roughly the halfway point–if your horse’s trot and canter look increasingly relaxed and balanced and he is respecting and listening to the…

Longeing With Stirrups

…has access to a reliable horse for longeing or a skilled helper at the center of the circle. Many riders aren’t comfortable working without stirrups if their horse tends to…