Anhidrosis in Horses

…helped them identify the problem in their horses. “They know their horses like mothers know their babies,” Hall said. “If their horses’ ears twitch the wrong way, they notice it…

Horses in Cold Weather

…dead or dormant grasses and weeds. Roughage, and that includes hay, actually helps warm the horses because it releases heat as it is digested. Have you noticed that your horses

How to build a trustworthy trail horse

…or submerged. Many horses enjoy splashing and lying down in water during sweaty weather. Variation: Horses who attempt to jump water rather than walk through it may do so from…

Herd Health Planning

…set of vaccination needs. Group Horses According to Disease Risk “Keep horses of similar disease risk together,” advised Burk. The horses that don’t leave the farm are at lower risk…

Expert Advice on Selecting Hay

…soaked to remove some of the nonstructural carbohydrates then fed to horses with insulin resistance, equine metabolic syndrome or chronic laminitis. | © Paula da Silva/ • Overweight horses and those…