Self Control Precedes Horse Control

…pasture, and to respond to cues under saddle. The trainer is in control. Not guessing, not hoping, not praying, but actually in control without coercion, without nagging, and without any…

Don’t Let Deworming Myths Keep You Up

…a horse’s parasite load. A horse with a negative fecal still almost assuredly has intestinal parasites—those parasites simply are not actively shedding eggs. Failing to deworm based on a negative…

Horse Deworming: A Modern Approach

…an oral paste dewormer every few weeks used to be the standard protocol for parasite control; now experts recommend a more thoughtful, targeted approach using fecal egg counts. Photo by…

Fall Equine Wellness: What Your Horse Needs

…Data on file, MDI sales data for West Nile-Innovator and Fluvac Innovator as of 12/31/16, Zoetis Inc. American Association of Equine Practitioners. Internal Parasites: Strategies for Effective Parasite Control….

Deworming Strategies

…fecal egg count is sound advice. A large number of parasite eggs in the sample may indicate your current deworming program isn’t effective, and parasites could be causing your mare’s…

Release Fly Parasites Now

…us who have tried fly parasites are convinced they are the best method. Of course, good manure management is crucial to fly control, but many other factors are involved in…