Fly Control You Put In Your Horse`s Feed

…were dewormed every two months with ivermectin, one on Strongid-C. The only common source of OPs located was the feed-through fly control. Feed-through fly control was stopped immediately and cholinesterase…

Deworming Protocols Are In Jeopardy

…At this point, we can’t consider paste dewormers a magic bullet and need to pay close attention to all the details of the big picture in parasite control. This means…

Dewormers Are Safe, But Not Foolproof

…a bad reaction to the en masse killing of parasites. Modern Dewormer Reactions When it comes to eliminating parasites, today’s dewormers definitely are more powerful than the older drugs, but…

Summer Fly Control for Horses

What Are the Most Common Mistakes in Fly Control? Every season our farm seems to be overrun by flies. We do our best to keep manure picked up and use…

Focus Your Deworming Efforts

…horses) may be as well off with minimal deworming treatments. Some parasite experts advise that horses with only light parasite burdens and no symptoms suggestive of a parasite problem should…

How to Identify, Control Pesky Flies

…many different types of flies, and a product that controls one might not control another. Here’s a who’s-who to help you identify–and control–the pesky flies that are bothering your horse….