Living with Founder

…doing it,” says Moyer. Ongoing Progress The expectation: A foundered horse who’s responding to treatment will steadily improve until he returns to normal. The reality: A foundered horse’s progress may…

Founder Factors in Three Horses

…manage her founder symptoms. She couldn’t be exercised, however, because her founder symptoms were too severe. After 30 days on pergolide, her ACTH levels were measured again and although they…

EquiSearch’s Ask the Vet: Pony Founder

Question:My daughter’s pony has foundered in the past. Should I limit his access to pasture? Answer: Founder can be a serious problem, especially with ponies. Ponies come from places in…

Understanding Founder in Horses

…one of the above causes, or if you can’t say why your horse has foundered, he’s in the chronic category. Although chronic founder can come on suddenly, you may end…

Life after Equine Laminitis

…permanently alters the internal conformation of the hoof. All founder then, by definition, is chronic.) Morrison puts founder into three categories: “low grade,” “stable” and “unstable.” The category a horse…

Video: Chronic Laminitis and Founder

…the video to learn more. For more information about laminitis and founder, as well as additional videos in the laminitis and founder series, check out the Animal Health Foundation website….