Strap Up Safely

…too tight, as it will cause the strap to bend back or dog-leg. BETA’s experts often see the chin strap correctly fastened, with the back forgotten – and that’s the…

Olympic Equestrians: Science Saddles Up

…sinking into the mire of jealousy and conflict. Horses have?physiotherapists, gait analysts, behaviorists, farriers, osteopaths, nutritionists, saddle fitters, veterinarians, dentists, footing experts, and varying levels of specialist and generalist trainers….

Horse Deworming: A Modern Approach

…an oral paste dewormer every few weeks used to be the standard protocol for parasite control; now experts recommend a more thoughtful, targeted approach using fecal egg counts. Photo by…

Sport Horse Health: “Winning Ways” Conference

…involve specialist equine clinicians from the university?s Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital. Leading international experts in equine exercise physiology will present ?the latest research on equine performance, horse health, and exercise…

Healing Gone Wild

…are less than six hours old should be sutured, if possible (suturing is sometimes difficult on the legs due to minimal skin). Experts agree that wounds should be bandaged. A…

Tips to Keep Riding Midlife and Beyond

…goals. Six Defy-Your-Age Strategie #1 Be Fit, Strong, Flexible To address: Safety, comfort, doability This is the biggie in terms of defying your age. As the experts will tell you,…

Fifteen Pointers for a Healthier Horse

…horse-health experts for their resolutions-worthy advice. Their tips cover a range of categories, from targeting your horse’s basic needs to honoring his equine nature. We also share some evergreen horsekeeping…