Trailering: Safe Driving Strategies

Anyone who’s ridden in a trailer knows how bumpy the ride can be for the horse. Terry Ekberg of Nationwide Horse Transportation, Inc., a hauling company the serves the continental United States and Canada, tapped his considerable experience and shared these thoughts on safe driving.

?Practical Horseman. All Rights Reserved.
  • Make slow takeoffs and stops.
  • Work your speed up slowly.
  • Travel five to 10 miles under the speed limit, especially on bumpy and winding roads.
  • Double the distance you would normally keep between your rig and the vehicle in front of you.
  • Watch and plan as you drive down the road to reduce the chance that you will need to make a sudden stop.
  • Take extra time as you drive around corners. One rule of thumb to keep in mind: If you can “feel” the turns that you are making with your body, you need to slow down.Almost all hauling is a matter of common sense and good horsemanship. With safety in mind and some careful planning, you can help ensure that your future travels will be safe and enjoyable. This article first appeared in the May 1996 issue of Dressage Today magazine.

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