Wire and Metal in Hogfuel Cause Puncture Wounds in Horse Hooves

Hogfuel is a popular dressing for arenas and paddock areas, especially in regions with strong timber industries.

Hogfuel is a popular dressing for arenas and paddock areas, especially in regions with strong timber industries. The material, which is basically woodchips, bark chunks and needles leftover from processing trees into lumber, keeps dust down, prevents erosion, and mops up extra water in soggy spots.

Before you order a load from your local landscaping yard, do your research first. The by product of manufacturing lumber sometimes has pieces of sharp wire and metal mixed in it that can cause puncture wounds in hooves.

Only buy hogfuel from reputable dealers who will guarantee a wire-free product. Even then, run a high-powered magnet over your hogfuel pile before laying it in your paddocks or arenas. When in doubt, opt for more expensive hogfuel, like that used as cushioning on children’s playgrounds. It costs more, but your horse’s health and safety is worth it.

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